Activity 10- Freshkills Park

3:26 PM / Posted by Group 7 /

Desiree Caro
The trip to Freshkills part was a nice break from normal everyday activities for me. I actually really enjoyed all aspects of it, from the ride on the ferry to standing on top of the mounds that used to be thousands of tons of garbage. I really feel that Freshkills park is an innovative way to recycle the land. With over 2000 acres, the park is huge and has endless potential to meet the needs of the surrounding community. In addition to the large amount of space the previous landfill offers, the renovations that have been made to the area also help to create fossil fuels for the borough.
The history of Freshkills is interesting in itself. Its amazing to think that something that was seen as so detrimental to an area is now providing a healthy space for recreation and activities in the future. I thought it was interesting how many levels of planning go into making a park. This park especially had to undergo many processes in order to get approval for the renovations and design. The park needed to make sure that none of the garbage that was initially on site would affect any of its visitors or neighbors. in order to do that there was an extensive system put into place in order to prevent any waste from harming people as well as turn the waste into something good.
Other aspects that the team has to think about is accessibility, needs of the community, and the environment. all of these points need to be addressed and approved by outside resources who may be funding projects of helping to build structures. all in all i think that Fresh Kills park is an amazing story that should be shared and learned from. it helps to gather awareness about where our garbage is going and how to make changes for the community and environment.


Comment by Group 7 on May 10, 2010 at 6:05 PM

Hi Desiree it would be helpful to gather awarness about our garbage and where they send them but I think before we do that we should find where to send them first then come with the awarness. because no matter where they send them it is still going to be a problem.


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