During my visit to South Street Seaport, in every direction I walk with my friends, I would see tourists walking around taking pictures of the boats, seagulls, and many other things. Also, there were some parents that brought their children there to have fun and to sight see. It was a good thing, the parents didn’t tell me to look after their child. While walking, I notice that the Express there is close due to either renovation or it has been close down. My friends and I then stay at the Food court to eat lunch, I then notice something familiar, I would see this old handicap man feeding his leftovers food to the seagull and he looked very joyful giving them food. My previous visit to South Street Seaport, I saw him doing the same thing.
As time passes, a homeless man, with dirty clothes and a disturbing smell, would come to eat, relax, sleep and to get warm. I thought the poeple working there would force him to leave, but the way it looks like they did’nt care or they were accustomed to it. Later on, a bunch of people would come in a fill up the food court, it was twice the amount of people that was there when I enter the building. Every now and then, small pigeons would fly in and wander around for food or to sight see.
There are many people living in the urban are that are well off or not. Many of them have jobs and many of them do. My observation tells me that it is really hard to find a job at this moment since the economy isn’t that good right now. It seems like it is not easy to have a place to live in the urban area.
Charles Kan
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